This site has been deliberately designed to help you access and download informative papers on financial topics as easily and as cheaply as possible. This is because I believe financial understanding is vital for all managers. There is no charge. All the material is copyright but you are free to distribute copies to those you consider may benefit, provided you do not amend or remove the headers/footers.
To facilitate access, frills are minimised. To protect myself I have to state that all the information is provided for guidance and information only. No liability can be accepted for any action taken or not taken on the basis of information contained on this site. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Thought for the day:
If you have any comments or suggestions for further topics please Email me. I cannot guarantee to act on individual requests but will try to respond to significant demand. If you wish to contact me about the possibility of my running a Financial Management Development Programme tailored to your organisation please Email me.
Enjoy the Site.
David A Palmer